Other Services
Pre-hospital emergency services
Our goal is to provide assistance within the best possible time frame, provide necessary care and offer access to the nearest appropriate hospital, according to the patient’s condition and accommodation capacity of the institutions.
In order to improve the quality of our service to the patients, our land ambulance services offer two levels of service: primary care paramedic and advanced care paramedic.
Our paramedics can provide authorized medical procedures in order to assure rapid treatment to a person in distress.
Advanced care pre-hospital emergency services are essential in a rural area like Prescott and Russell where the travel distance to get to a hospital is usually further than in an urban setting. Thus, in order to offer our citizens with the best possible service in a set response time, paramedics of Prescott and Russell provide advanced care that would normally only be offered in the emergency room.
Delegate medical acts
Paramedics practice delegated medical acts, which means that under
the direction of a physician designated by our base hospital, they can
provide medical care in a pre-hospital environment within established
protocols. For example: use of defibrillator, intubation, starting an
intravenous line, administering medications, etc.
Become a paramedic
If the paramedic profession interests you, please check with the
colleges and universities in your area for information on courses and